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First blog in waaaaay toooo long!

Hi all.

This is my first blog in such a long time, so many things have been happening it's difficult in knowing where to start.

Healthwise. Yeah. My chronic pain has spread into my right foot. Luckily, it is not CRPS or a trapped nerve in my spine. I am now, successfully, walking with one crutch and am able to walk outside for some distance with out it (usually to a supermarket where I can use a trolley in lieu of my crutch ;) ).

Now, my heart has decided to join the "chronic health" party. I am currently waiting for a couple of tests, arranged through a cardiologist. One of which is an MRI of my chest (strange as it might sound, I find MRI relaxing). The other one is one I am scared of. It is called a Tilt Table Test.

On a happier note - I am going on my first plane holiday in years. I'm going to Tenerife for 5 nights. It will be my first experience of using airline disabled assistance at an airport. On the one hand, I'm a bit apprehensive as I've never used it before, but on the other hand it'll be nice to know how it works for the future.

I plan to blog my experiences with this, in the hope others who, like me, have never used these facilities before, will find it useful

I am still at uni doing my BA in Archaeology and Ancient History. Although I am not yet near the stage to do my dissertation, I already have what I want to do in mind and it is the one period of history I kind of wanted to avoid: The Romans!!!!


I am going to be blogging more (I've set reminders on my phone to encourage me) and making a few changes to the site.

Books I am currently reading

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